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1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

Guitar Shop Taiwan很高興能與全球琴友們分享我們的收藏品-1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard 9-1228 “Sandy”,這是全世界最知名的元年Burst之一,被收錄在許多音樂雜誌與知名Les Paul Burst書刊中,包含了Les Paul指標圖鑑-THE BEAUTY OF THE BURST中Page 84-85。而在2012年,Sandy更被Gibson Custom複製並推出全球限量款CC#4 “Sandy” Replica,直到現在不論是原琴或是複製品都廣受全球玩家歡迎。這是一支真正完美的3D虎紋遍佈琴面,由任何角度觀看虎紋,都擁有十足的立體感,就如同眼球會被吸入般的華麗,這在1959年的Les Paul上極為罕見,而隨著光線而有所不同顏色變化的漆面,這是真正元年Burst才能呈現的迷人之處。Sandy也將成為全台灣唯一一支1959 Les Paul Standard,Guitar Shop Taiwan很榮幸能與各位分享這60歲的傳奇Les Paul,過去我們一直努力於台灣所難以引進的稀有琴款,盡可能提倡高階琴款於台灣這塊土地,尤其是元年琴一直是我們團隊的終極目標。特別感謝我們的好朋友Tom Wittrock,他是全球知名且令人尊敬的Les Paul收藏家,他擁有Sandy超過30年,也讓全台灣所有熱愛吉他的玩家都能一賭這傳奇又迷人的Les Paul。

This 1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard 9-1228 called “Sandy” was born in 1959 and Gibson Custom copied it for their Collector’s Choice series CC#4 in 2012. Sandy is a very famous and popular Les Paul in the world. It's my honor to have this almost 60 years old legend Les Paul. This is the only one of original 1959 Les Paul standard in Taiwan, especially a big thanks for my friend Tom Wittrock for his willingness for selling his love to me. Tom is still the best Les Paul collector in the world, I will take care of Sandy forever.

Mason, founder of Guitar Shop Taiwan

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

1959 Les Paul Standard 9-1228 Sandy

9-1228 "SANDY" & 8-5386 "MOON BURST"

9-1228 "SANDY" & 8-5386 "MOON BURST"

Tom Wittrock with Sandy

Tom Wittrock with 1959 Les Paul 9-1228 Sandy

Tom Wittrock with 1959 Les Paul 9-1228 Sandy

Joe Bonamassa with 1959 Les Paul 9-1228 Sandy.

Joe Bonamassa with 1959 Les Paul 9-1228 Sandy.

Joe Bonamassa with 1959 Les Paul 9-1228 Sandy.