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夢幻逸品1998 Fender Custom Shop Eric Clapton "Blackie" Stratocaster Masterbuilt by J.W. Black

NT$ 360,000.00

1970年,Eric Clapton將他三把1950年代中期的Fender Stratocaster拆分,並從中選擇了外觀吸引他的黑色1956 Body與一把他手感最適合他的1957 Neck,以及一組聲音最好的拾音器電路,並將它們組合成了一把Stratocaster,成為了Eric Clapton在1970年至1980年代中期主要使用的吉他,也就是Eric Clapton最具有代表性的吉他「Blackie」


到了1985年,Eric Clapton意識到他的Blackie因為經歷長期的彈奏,琴頸嚴重磨損,甚至無法支撐六條弦的張力,導致整把琴已經無法再使用了,在當年擔任Fender行銷經理的Dan Smith向Eric Clapton提出了一些想法,除了讓Fender為他打造一把獨特的Stratocaster以外,也討論了製作簽名琴的計畫,這款簽名琴將根據Eric Clapton本人理想的規格製作,在Eric Clapton的要求下,它有著Martin木吉他的V型琴頸、更大動態範圍的Lace Sensor拾音器、以及可增益中頻至25dB的MDX電路系統與Master TBX Tone Control,最終這款簽名琴在1988年發表,這些規格直到2001年後才改版。

而Fender在1990年正式將這把獨立製作的黑色Stratocaster提供給了Eric Clapton,這是一把由Mike Stevens製作的華麗虎紋楓木Neck,搭配J.W. Black製作的Body,而其規格則是完全按照1988年發表的版本製作,這就是Fender正式為Eric Clapton本人打造的第一款Blackie。

不同於90年代Fender量產版本的普通Eric Clapton Signature Blackie,Eric Clapton的原始製琴師J.W. Black在90年代時在Custom Shop部門用Masterbuilt名義同樣製作了極少數的Eric Clapton Signature Stratocaster,規格也完全按照他製作給Eric Clapton本人的Blackie相同,並在琴頭後方有著Masterbuilt-J.W. Black的水印貼紙,其中包含了他在1998年親自送給Eric Clapton的Sunburst with Flamed Maple Top Stratocaster。

此琴就是當年J.W Black製作的其中一把Blackie,同樣有著非常漂亮的虎紋楓木Soft V Shape Profile琴頸,搭載了Lace Sensor拾音器、Master TBX Tone Control與Mid-boost系統,TBX類似高低音頻控制器,當Tone Knob位於0-5都是基本的Tone Control,一但超過5後,會開始降低電阻,釋放出更多的低頻與高頻,而搭配可增益中頻25dB的Mid-boost,能使整體音色更佳的豐富。


J.W. Black於2002年離開Fender,他製作的Fender在市場上依然罕見,且擁有同製琴師製作的Blackie是非常具有意義,有著極大的收藏價值。證書包含了當年還在Fender Custom Shop任職經理,也是Fender Custom Shop共同創始人之一的John Page簽名。

售價NT$360,000,附Fender原廠Case、證書配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款(刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。


Eric Clapton照片來源: Rolling Stone

In 1970, Eric Clapton dismantled three mid-1950s Fender Stratocasters and selected the black 1956 body that appealed to him, along with a 1957 neck that felt most comfortable, and a set of pickups and circuitry that sounded the best. He combined these components to create his iconic guitar, "Blackie," which became his primary instrument from 1970 until the mid-1980s.

By 1985, Eric Clapton realized that his beloved Blackie had suffered severe wear and tear from years of playing, rendering it unplayable as the neck couldn't withstand the tension of six strings anymore. That year, Dan Smith, who was then serving as Fender's marketing manager, proposed some ideas to Eric Clapton. Apart from having Fender create a unique Stratocaster for him, they also discussed the plan for a signature Stratocaster guitar. This signature model would be built according to Eric Clapton's specifications, featuring a V-shaped neck reminiscent of his Martin guitar, Lace Sensor pickups for a wider dynamic range, and an MDX circuit system with a Master TBX Tone Control capable of boosting midrange frequencies up to 25dB. This signature guitar was eventually unveiled in 1988, and these specifications remained changed until after 2001.

In 1990, Fender officially provided Eric Clapton with the independently crafted black Stratocaster. It featured a highly figured flame maple neck made by Mike Stevens and a body made by J.W. Black, following the specifications of the 1988 release. This marked the first Blackie specifically built by Fender for Eric Clapton.

Unlike the mass-produced versions of the Eric Clapton Signature Blackie in the 1990s, Eric Clapton's original luthier, J.W. Black, also produced a very limited number of Eric Clapton Signature Stratocasters under the Masterbuilt within the Custom Shop department. These guitars were built to the exact specifications of Clapton's personal Blackie and featured a Masterbuilt J.W. Black watermark on the back of the headstock. One of these guitars, gifted to Eric Clapton by J.W. Black in 1998, was a Sunburst with Flamed Maple Top Stratocaster.

This Blackie was one of those crafted by J.W. Black and had a beautifully figured flame maple Soft V Shape Profile neck, with the Lace Sensor pickups, Master TBX Tone Control, and a Mid-boost system.

J.W. Black left Fender in 2002, making the guitars he crafted still rare on the market and highly collectible. Owning a Blackie made by the same builder carries significant meaning and holds great value as a collectible item. The certificate includes the signature of John Page, who was serving as the manager at Fender Custom Shop at the time and was also one of the co-founders of Fender Custom Shop.

The guitar is in mint condition, the pickguard and backplate still haven't been peeled off yet, and only has some small dents on the finish, as shown in the photos. Even just judging by its appearance, it's hard to believe this guitar was manufactured in 1998.

Comes with the original Fender case, COA and paperwork.