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2019 Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt 1962 Stratocaster HSS Heavy Relic by John Cruz-Olympic White over 2-Color Sunburst

NT$ 8,308.00

近全新收藏品,由Fender Custom Shop頂級部門Masterbuilt中的傳奇製琴師John Cruz所製作的2019年限定版,復刻Fender傳奇又經典的1962年Stratocaster。這是他離開Fender前最後一年的作品,有趣的是,John Cruz在2019年時期的作品與其他時期有著明顯不同的氛圍,也是公認舊化最細膩的時期,就連琴上所有的塑膠零件都下足了功夫,原因是出自於當年還是John Cruz助理的Vincent Van Trigt協作,整把琴的細節舊化皆是由他所完成,Vincent Van Trigt也是這幾年Masterbuilt中最受歡迎的製琴師,所以從整把吉他的舊化中可以明顯看到John Cruz與Vincent Van Trigt兩人的強烈個人風格,而這兩位大師目前皆已不在Fender。

琴身為Alder,搭配Mid '60s Oval C型9.5” Radius的AAA級虎紋楓木琴頸,非常浮誇的超級虎紋,搭配6105 Frets,前中段拾音器為Custom Shop Hand-wound '60s Strat Pickups,復刻60年代經典的Stratocaster復古音色,後段則是配置EVH Humbucker雙線圈,音色出力更大、更厚實,這樣的獨特拾音器配置也使得整體音色更加的多元。

由John Cruz打造吉他的一直以來都是保值的象徵,自從他於2020年離開Fender後,以前由他所打造的Masterbuilt在市場上持續上漲,同款型號目前在市價已都來到了台幣40萬以上,John Cruz在未來幾乎不可能回歸Fender,而他經手過的吉他只會越來越稀有。


售價NT$268,000,附非原廠Nacho Guitar Case、搖桿與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。


Made by legendary luthier John Cruz from the Masterbuilt of Fender Custom Shop, this is a 2019 limited edition replica of Fender's legendary and classic 1962 Stratocaster. This guitar was crafted in the last year before John Cruz left Fender. Interestingly, guitars made by John Cruz during the 2019 period have distinctly different appearances compared to other periods; this year is recognized for its most exquisite relic. Even all the components of the guitar have been meticulously aged, thanks to the collaboration with Vincent Van Trigt, who was still an assistant to John Cruz at the time. Vincent Van Trigt has become one of the most popular luthiers in Masterbuilt in recent years, so the relic details of this guitar clearly reflect the strong personal styles of both John Cruz and Vincent Van Trigt, both of whom are no longer with Fender.

The body is Alder, paired with a AAA flame maple neck in a Mid '60s Oval C shape with a 9.5” radius, showcasing an extravagant killer flame. It features 6105 frets. The neck and middle pickups are Custom Shop Hand-wound '60s Strat, providing the classic retro sound of a '60s Stratocaster. The bridge position is an EVH Humbucker pickup, offering a stronger, thicker sound. This unique pickup configuration enhances the overall tonal diversity.

Guitars crafted by John Cruz have always been symbols of value retention. Since he left Fender in 2020, the market value of the Masterbuilt guitars he made has continued to rise, with the same model currently starting at US$15K. It is highly unlikely that John Cruz will return to Fender, making the guitars he worked on increasingly rare.

The gutiar is in collectible condition. The certificate has been lost, which is reflected in the price. Comes with case by Nachoguitars and Tremolo Arm.